Information & Resources

Ask the Pharmacist 

Go to the news page and click Ask the Pharmacist

You can submit a question about medication at the link above to have one of our volunteer pharmacists answer your questions!

 The Assistance Fund-

The Assistance Fund can help with the cost of your medication. Please go to their website or call them at (855) 845-3663 to speak to a Program Advocate.


Clinical Trials

For Clinical Trial Information, please go to  Type in "Myasthenia Gravis" and your location and you will be able to see the clinical trials near you that are available. 

National Institute of Health

Myasthenics who are educated about their illness are generally more compliant patients and better able to participate in the regimen of care prescribed by their neurologists. 

For an overview of Myasthenia Gravis, please go to the National Institute of Health, Neurological Disorders and Stroke section of their website at

Printed Materials

Printed resources about various myasthenia gravis topics are available upon request and most are at no charge.

  • A Practical Guide to Myasthenia Gravis A Handbook for Patients and Families - A comprehensive pamphlet authored by a neurologist and a patient to summarize information about myasthenia gravis.
  • Myasthenia Gravis Survival Guide This booklet was written by a registered nurse who is also an myasthenia gravis patient. It covers a multitude of topics and helpful tips to empower persons to thrive after a diagnosis of myasthenia gravis.
  • Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) This is a brief introductory pamphlet about IVIG, one of the important treatments for myasthenia gravis.
  • MG Glossary A diagnosis of myasthenia gravis exposes patients and their families to a new vocabulary specific to the illness. This brochure defines pertinent myasthenia gravisG terms using “patient friendly” words.
  • Patient Information Card A handy card to keep in a myasthenic’s wallet so that emergency information about myasthenia gravis symptoms, contra-indicated medications and cholinergic crisis is always readily available.
  • Myasthenia Gravis An illustrated History A beautifully illustrated and highly readable book which recounts the story of this medical condition which, until 1879, went largely unrecognized by the medical profession.  There is a charge for this book - $25.00 plus $2.40 sales tax (California residents only) and $7.00 shipping and handling.
  • A Purposeful Life The Life Story of Mathilda Karel Spak, Centenarian Mrs. Spak was cofounder of MGFC and a life-long volunteer for our organization. Her mother became bedridden after being diagnosed with the disease during a time when there were few treatment options. There is a charge for this book - $20.00 plus $1.92 sales tax (California residents only) and $3.00 shipping and handling.

To order any of the resources, please contact Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of California at: (800) 574-7884 or (323) 887-0056.


©2025 Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of California.